7 Signs You Do Not Respect Yourself

Do you respect yourself? Chances are, you don't believe you do because you are here reading this right now. There are plenty of signs that will tell you whether it's an issue or not.


3 min read


Do you respect yourself? Chances are, you don't believe you do because you are here reading this right now. There are plenty of signs that will tell you whether it's an issue or not. You might be a good person, the problem is you spend so much time undermining your self-worth that you don't realize just how good a person you are.

And as a result, you attract undesirable people who fuel that mindset. When someone treats you badly you blame it on bad luck, or you believe it's because you deserve it. You would be wrong – on both fronts. It's poor boundaries, it's people pleasing, and it's low confidence. That is how a lack of self-respect manifests in your life. Here are seven signs that you do not respect yourself.

1. You're a Doormat

Negative self-talk is robbing you of joy and it's making you the doormat in your friend group, relationships, and probably at work too. If you are constantly cleaning up other people's messes and doing things because it's expected, then you lack self-respect.

2. You Get Lost In Relationships

If you get absorbed in every relationship you're ever in, your self-respect is lacking. You know exactly what we're talking about – you start wearing things you wouldn't normally and doing things you wouldn't typically do.

Your values are gone, and you reshape your entire personality (and sometimes wardrobe) to please this new person. You often have to rebuild bridges with friends after the relationship ends because you were so lost in it you didn't have time for anyone else.

3. You Seek Attention

Some people would call you a pot stirrer, but it isn't a compliment. You desperately seek attention by spreading gossip. You see it as an effective way to capture the spotlight. Even if you are talking about your friends.

4. Your Bad Habits Are Excessive

Whether it's alcohol, shopping, or drugs, the list of bad habits isn't exhaustive. A bad habit is a bad habit if it's stealing your joy, draining your bank account, or contributing to further bad behaviors.

And when you indulge in those bad habits excessively, the only thing you do is punish yourself. With substances, you're also damaging your body. With shopping, you're damaging your financial security and adding stress to your life that can wear your body down. Indulging bad habits excessively shows you have no respect for your life.

5. You Break Your Back For People Who Wouldn't Return the Favor

Are you willing to bend over backward for everyone else, but they don't do the same for you? Do you aim to move mountains for the people around you even though they won't lift a finger for you? If you find yourself making endless excuses for people who would happily stab you in the back, then you do not respect yourself.

6. You Accept Bad Behavior

People who lack self-respect often tolerate bad behavior from nasty people and abusive partners. They fall into the trap of believing they deserve it. It's easy to focus on the nice moments that are few and far between rather than realizing how much they hurt you. These people aren't kind, and they don't deserve your love and affection.

7. Casual Relationships

We're going to be careful with how we explain this point because there are levels. A confident person brimming with self-respect can enjoy casual relationships and indulge in casual sex.

But it's with someone who respects them. Someone with no self-respect is prone to casual relationships and sex with people who don't treat them well, don't accept boundaries or behave respectfully.

If you're not sure how to tell the difference – ask yourself if you are having fun and if you feel good after an encounter. If the answer is no, then that's the difference.

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